
Surfing Life’s Waves: Aurora Real de Asua’s WIPEOUT Hits the Stage at Alleyway Theatre (PODCAST)


Buffalo Rising

Surfing Life’s Waves: Aurora Real de Asua’s WIPEOUT Hits the Stage at Alleyway Theatre (PODCAST)

On Aurora Real de Asua‘s website, she shares that she loves “to tell funny stories about how weird it is to be here.” Her play, WIPEOUT, which will be produced at Alleyway Theatre in Buffalo from September 6-28, perfectly captures this sentiment.

Wipeout is for fans of shows like Grace & Frankie, Beaches, Laverne & Shirley, Thelma & Louise. The play follows three best friends who, in their golden years, take on the ultimate challenge: learning to surf in Santa Cruz. Leaving their comfort zones behind, they navigate not only the waves but also the shifts in their relationships and identities. As they confront the complexities of aging and friendship, they embrace the courage to face new beginnings, while being guided by a young, charismatic surf instructor.

Real de Asua found inspiration for this play in her own experiences, particularly the many evenings she spent watching Sex and the City with her grandmother. Through these moments, she discovered that “older women are absolutely wild, and more often than not…they’re portrayed as doddering, or weak or feeble, and that’s just not my experience of the older women that I meet. I’ve often found that the older we get the more we become the truest and most honest and extreme versions of ourselves, like there’s a peeling away and eroding that happens over time. So, it’s in part that, and it’s in part that I’m a surfer and that I’ve surfed my entire life and I can’t tell you how many first surf lessons I’ve taken.”  

Playwright, Aurora Real de Asua

Although a new play, WIPEOUT was previously workshopped at Manhattan Theatre Club, and Williamstown Theatre Festival. It was first produced as a National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere by Rivendell Theatre Ensemble (Chicago, IL), B Street Theatre (Sacramento, CA) and Gloucester Stage Company (Gloucester, MA). Real de Asua has been pleasantly surprised by audience reactions.  

“I think people start and they’re like, ‘This is so cute. I watch Golden Girls, and then they start to realize they’re in a little bit of trouble. And then by the end of it, I think they get a little rocked,” she shared, adding, “ I’ve been blown away by how different audiences click to absolutely different parts of this piece… We did a performance of it in Chicago and I think the vulnerability of the characters really spoke to Chicago audiences. They really leaned into that. The Sacramento audiences loved the comedy and they loved the California references, and then we did it in Massachusetts, up in Gloucester, and they really responded to the friendship of it and it was pretty amazing to witness.”  

Chris J Handley, Executive Artistic Director of Alleyway Theatre said, “I read Aurora’s play about a year and a half ago, and it’s been taking up space in my head since. Funny, poignant, theatrical – it’s exactly the sort of play that is right for the Alleyway.

It’s also a play that is pretty rare — featuring three women of a certain age in leading roles. Each season we consider about 1500 different scripts to ultimately choose our season. I can tell you first hand that the number of plays featuring a cast of this makeup is wildly rare. And if you were at our auditions, you’d understand how important it is to give these actors the opportunity. Our waiting room was a veritable who’s who of Buffalo theatre dames…I am so proud of the cast director Josie DiVincenzo assembled, and the work these performers and designers have done.”

Real de Asua echoes Handley’s sentiments.  “I just hope they have a good time and both take nothing seriously and everything seriously. I’m really fortunate to be doing this with Buffalo. [Alleyway is] extraordinary and I feel very grateful.”

WIPEOUT at Alleyway Theatre in Buffalo runs September 6-28. Tickets are available here.  

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