Melinda Capeles

Melinda is a performingartist whose talents range from dancing, singing, and acting to aerial arts,clowning, and combat. This two-time Artie Award winner for OutstandingSupporting Actress in a Musical (2015 STUMPIN AT THE SAVOY) and OutstandingLead Actress in a Musical (2019 LA LUPE: MY LIFE, MY DESTINY) has performedlocally with multiple theatre companies such as Irish Classical Theatre,Theatre of The Youth, Road Less Travelled, 710 Main, Subversive theatre,Raíces, Shakespeare in Delaware Park, Ujima, and Paul Robeson Theatre.Nationally, she performed with Cirque Du Soleil, Walt Disney World, and DisneyCruise Line. As a proud member of Los Artistas Del Barrio Buffalo, she hascollaborated with a few organizations within the community like ElBatey Dance Center, Nickel City Poetry, and Albright Knox Museum to name afew.  

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